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Sitewide Search On A Shoe String


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Hi Christian,

An interesting article. I mostly build with-in TXP these days so site search isn’t as tricky as it used to be, although this could be a great way to add search resuslts from other sources for output into your own domain.

A very interesting and practical introduction to BOSS!


Johns Beharry

Nice little trick for adding search to a site. I personally use WordPress as a CMS and I’m currently which of course has search built in, and I’m currently learning about ExpressionEngine and seeing where that could take me.

It doesn’t take from the fact that this is a cool method which may come in handy in the future.

Thanks for sharing


Having a full text search json api provided for you is wonderful. For most sites, there is no need to duplicate all the text in the database just for full text search when google and yahoo already have it indexed.


Great article and excellent source of information to share with the readers that’s cool , this could be a great way to add search resuslts from other sources for output into your own domain. you can get more information about html form there as well.

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