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24 ways to impress your friends

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Paul Smith

Style-guides and real front-end specifications are another promising step on the road towards higher level professional working practices for the front-end discipline.

What makes it great is that the development of greater standards, more knowledge of writing reusable code and brilliant resources like GitHub we can share them easily and effectively.

Twitter Bootstrap is great example:

Early pioneers were people such as Nate Koechley (YUI), Nicole Sullivan (OOCSS – and more recently Jonathan Snook with his Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS –

Part of what makes me love this industry and working at this time is how people are still sharing their knowledge passionately to make a better web. For years I’ve standing on the shoulders of giants such as Zeldman, Bowman, Cederholm and now people like Paul Irish and Jake Archibald and long may it continue.