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24 ways to impress your friends

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Charles Roper

It never fails to amaze me just how few people even understand the concept of ‘a browser’, let alone that they might be somehow different or that they render web pages differently. Most folk seem to consider the web-browser akin to the software found on their various set-to-boxes; i.e., they’re immutable things that they just don’t notice or care about.

If I get into a conversation about browser choice (and I usually try to avoid it if at all possible), it usually goes something like this:

“Have you tried Firefox? Google Chrome is nice too.”

What are they?

“They’re web browsers. You know, improved alternatives to Internet Explorer.”

What’s Internet Explorer?

“That thing you view the web on.”

Why would I want a different one? The web works fine for me.

“They’re faster, and some websites look better, and you can install extensions and stuff”

Alriiiight, how do I use them?

“Well you download and install them onto your computer…”

What does ‘download and install’ mean?

“You know what – never mind.”

So I can totally understand why users – including clients – on inferior browsers will never notice the difference. They’re just not that into computers. They are, however, into the content, and so long as they can get at that, and aren’t annoyed by not being able to do what they set out to do, all will be well.